AAHSL Committee and Task Force ManualProgram Committee - Matheson Lecture
The AAHSL membership approved an endowed lectureship in honor of Nina Matheson at its 1993 business meeting and the inaugural lecture was presented in 1994. In 1998 the AAMC Group on Information (GIR) became a co-sponsor of the Lecture. The Matheson Lecture honors AAHSL past-president Nina Matheson for her significant contributions to the fields of medical librarianship and medical informatics. Academic Information in the Academic Health Sciences Center which Nina co-authored with John Cooper and Physicians of the 21st Century (the GPEP Report) are recognized as seminal works on the integration of health sciences information systems. The AAHSL Program Committee selects the speaker in conjunction with the AAHSL Board. The Board provides advice and suggestions to the committee through the Board liaison. The Program Committee considers other potential speakers and themes as well. The Committee submits its recommended speaker to the Board for final approval. Prior to a few years ago, AAHSL and GIR shared the cost of the Matheson Lecture. (GIR had provided funding for the meeting room, audiovisuals, lodging, and other costs, up to about $3,000). With changes in the AAMC annual meeting, including less GIR participation in the November meeting and AAHSL experimenting with hosting the Lecture separate from the AAMC meeting, AAHSL has assumed full responsibility for the costs, including the plaque. AAHSL provides up to $5,000 of funding towards the honorarium, plus travel and other expenses. Arrangements for the speaker are coordinated with AAHSL Headquarters staff. Prior Nina Matheson Lecturers A list of past Matheson Lecturers can be found here: https://aahsl.memberclicks.net/matheson-lecturers