AAHSL Committee and Task Force ManualDisclosure of Conflicts of Interest
To avoid conflict of interest or the appearance of such conflict, each volunteer leader and committee/task force member and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) staff shall disclose in writing to the President any existing or potential conflict of interest that might harm the Association. Each year, AAHSL board members, appointed officers, and committee or task force chairs and members will disclose any situations or areas of actual or potential conflicts of interest using the approved disclosure form (Appendix C) to disclose a perceived conflict of interest or to state that they have none to disclose. Conflicts or potential conflicts shall be evaluated thoroughly, when they arise, using the assistance of legal counsel if necessary, and resolved appropriately. Conflict of Interest disclosures should be returned to HQ by December 31. Special attention should be given to ensure that volunteers or contracted staff engaged as vendors provide full disclosure and avoid participation in related issues at AAHSL. Conflict of interest may involve financial ties such as working for a vendor or having a family member directly involved with a vendor with which AAHSL has business, but it can also involve serving on boards, accepting travel funds and speaking engagements, or other activities that may be in conflict with the policies or positions developed by the Association and the role served by that person as an officer or chair. AAHSL Headquarters will send out the policy and required form to leaders and committee/task force members. The signed disclosure statements are reviewed by the President and maintained on file in the AAHSL office.