Joint MLA/AAHSL Legislation Committee - Charge
- The committee develops and promotes a joint legislative agenda both externally and internally that supports a consistent position on information policy issues, particularly those relevant to medical libraries and librarianship, and on governmental actions affecting medical libraries.
- To leverage its reach and ability to educate Congress about relevant issues
- Members are appointed preferably from the districts and states of members of Congress sitting on committees addressing MLA and AAHSL’s legislative priorities (e.g., NIH and NLM funding)
- MLA and AAHSL committee members are encouraged to routinely communicate public policy updates and activate their networks when needed (e.g., MLA chapter, MLA caucus, and AAHSL listservs)
- An ad hoc working group is appointed to plan a Capitol Hill Day for the MLA membership two years before MLA’s annual meeting is held in DC.
MLA is represented on the committee by the president (one year), and four members at large with legislative experience (two serve three-year terms, two serve four-year terms). The executive director and a representative from the National Library of Medicine serve as nonvoting, ex officio members. The Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) is represented by the association's president, and four AAHSL members at large with legislativeexperience. AAHSL members serve four-year terms. MLA and AAHSL members at large may be appointed for a consecutive second term.